• I was getting to it!

    My mini adventures have been in Austin and here in SF.

    I was in Austin for SXSW which is a huge music/film/interactive festival, and it was amazing. I was helping to produce the Levi’s Fader Fort, the biggest party in town. We had roughly 40 bands over 4 days, a well-equipped open bar all day, and plenty of Levi’s, Puma, and Ray Ban gear. 2 hour wait in line around the block to get in, if you were on the invite list.

    Fun facts
    – Austin apparently has more music venues per capita than anywhere in the world
    – Really great BBQ that I’m missing here in SF. I tried several, IronWorks was the best.
    – Top moment: Lou Reed and Moby on stage together combined with an all access back stage pass

    My big SF adventure will be contracting with mktgpartners over the next few months to work with their strategy and marketing direction for Nike, Apple, Jamba Juice, and a few others. Missy, if you read this, it’s because of them that Bon Jovi will potentially be curling on reality TV.

    I started a 3rd blog for us to manage. This one’s more of a blog for me to put my thoughts “out there” for professional credibility; well that’s the hope at least. We’ll post a link to isharehere for anyone who wants to read me being geeky.

    It’s been 10 days without Kristin here… no fun. I’m sorry I didn’t write, how about some photos instead?

4 Responsesso far.

  1. Meghan says:

    Dan, from what I can tell, your professional career appears to be full of concerts, parties and alcohol. What a life. 😉

  2. Missy says:

    Bon Jovi and curling…I’m fans of each separately, but together? hmmm…

  3. ro! says:

    how exciting.

    austin looks like a good time. =]

  4. Josh says:

    Now this is really me this time. I have just spent the last few hours reading all of your blog and have enjoyed it. It makes me excited to be visiting y’all in September. I wanted to post things on other days but realized that you would probably never read them for a long time. So now I’ll try commenting on a regular basis. Also LB don’t worry your blog is next on my list of catching up. And then maybe I’ll get into DC365 or one of the foodie sites. Talk to you all soon.

    Random note…while I was reading the blog my iTunes started playing Die Sterne! Cya
