• 12 on the 12th!

    WOOT I remembered this month! Let’s jump right in, shall we?

    So, today was actually Cal Day, which is like the huge fair type deal for students who have been admitted to UCB to come visit, get a tour, etc. So, my staff and I get to organize and give tours of the residence halls all day. Yeah, it’s not our favorite day. And yet, here is (some of) my staff at 9:55 AM looking relatively cheerful.

    So we were swamped all morning during my shift, which was from 9 AM – 12:30 PM. Of course, here’s how busy we were at 12:19 PM, right before my co-RD came to take over:

    2:30 PM – Brunch

    3:15 PM – Taking a lovely walk in the 85 degree weather. And here is what it costs to have a car in the Bay Area:

    3:30 PM – Someone is clearly kind of a big deal:

    4:30 PM – Leaving a super cheap used book store, found some plaques! This one was in a series of events that happened in Berkeley through the years…with Dan’s feet.

    4:45 PM – Gelato! Mine was panna cotta flavored heavenly goodness. Enjoying the downtown Berkeley scene, sitting across from the second picture, an enormous tuning fork. Whatev, it’s Berkeley.

    5:30 PM – Back from walk and afternoon adventure, stopped to take a picture of the pretty church right next to my Unit. The tall building in the background is one of my buildings. Attractive, no?

    8:30 PM – James and the book I bought this afternoon that I already finished reading. Don’t freak out, it was only about 130 pages.

    About 10 PM – Durant Food Court, a lovely place for college students that is a bunch of ethnic restaurants that are cheap and open late. We went for Italian tonight, with bubble tea for drinks.

    Time for bed:

4 Responsesso far.

  1. Meghan says:

    Well, that’s a lot more than I did yesterday!

  2. Josh says:

    My prediction: Ro comments on the bubble tea! Jersey’s gas is almost 70 cents cheaper than your neck of the woods. Dang.

    Ok time to go fly. Cya next week!

  3. lb says:

    So good!! Berkeley is beatiful!! Berkeley gas prices, however, are not. Yeesh!

    Love you!!!!

  4. ro! says:

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    a wonderful saturday. the weather looks amazing there! cannot wait to go there and see you two in 4 months! woot woot.

    ps dan looks quite seductive in his brunch photo. haha =]
