• yuck.

    Today, my friends, was a bad day at work. These are the days that I wish I lived near many of you so that I could call you and we could get a drink after work (or a few) and I could vent for awhile and you’d make me laugh and then I would feel better. *le sigh* But, today was also the last day of training that I really had to plan and organize and make sure that things got done. So, project over, but the memory of outrageous ridiculousness remains.

    We did service projects today – working with various sites around Berkeley who could use groups of volunteers for a few hours. My group helped clean a city park, which happened to be right across from the local high school. So, not only did we get to clean up and feel good about ourselves, we got to reminisce about high school AND we got to watch as a student almost got arrested after school let out because he smelled like pot. Which is kind of hilarious because I’m going to wager that every third person in Berkeley smells like pot.

    Also, one request – can those with photos from the CC dinner and New Years put them online or send them to me or something? I would love to see them!

    Dan is snoring and drooling. Might be time to encourage him to get to bed.

4 Responsesso far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I too wish you lived closer!!

    Love and miss you lots.

    LB :-)

  2. Meghan says:

    Perk up, sorry you had a bad day… but way to be good community citizens with the clean-up. It’s almost like you’re Captain Planet… just don’t be heart, that kid was kind of scrawny.

  3. Dan says:

    I don’t think I was snoring… maybe breathing heavily.

  4. Anonymous says:

    *hugs* from taiwan.
