• Upkeep

    So occasionally, the fact that there are mindless, time consuming tasks that we have to repeat every day or at least a few times a week really starts to get to me. It’s sort of the “I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for 5 minutes??”

    Top of this list is unloading the dishwasher, quickly followed by folding laundry. On a bad day, I find myself annoyed that we wash clothes/dishes, only to use them again which means they will need to be cleaned again. Frustrating.*

    Cat claw cutting. If we don’t cut their claws practically every week, their incredibly sharp talons manage to get through jeans to break my skin. **

    Dealing with hair – Hair washing, leg shaving, eyebrow maintenance. The hours I spend on these activities could clearly be used to solve homelessness or world hunger. Or more realistically at least reading or something else fruitful.

    Dan’s least favorite:
    -Washing dishes
    -Scooping cat litter (he adds that he feels like our cats ‘make’ a lot)
    -Putting clean clothes away.

    *Of course, because I’m a hippie, we can not use disposable plates or cups. We even use cloth napkins now. Anyway, the closest I come to using disposable items is using compostable utensils from my dining hall to dish out the cat food, and then of course…compost them. When I feed my student staff members, I require them to compost/recycle…they may get publicly shamed when they don’t dispose of things properly.

    **And also of course, our cats are not de-clawed. It’s cruel and unusual, I don’t care what you say. I know I live in the right place because it’s actually illegal to de-claw cats in Berkeley. Boom.

2 Responsesso far.

  1. ro! says:

    i’m digging all these blog posts. i also dislike washing dishes.

  2. meghan says:

    I hate hate HATE laundry. The folding mostly, yes. I have two-weeks of Europe-laundry to get to. Ugh.

    And hair maintenance? I especially despise shaving my legs. Such a time-waster.
