• Thinking of Titles Late at Night is Awful.

    I was clicking around to a lot of the blogs I regularly read tonight and found myself getting frustrated that a majority of them haven’t been updated lately. OH THE IRONY.

    Lots of fun things have been happening since my flurry of posts a few weeks ago. There was an enormous book sale, which totally ruined my promise that I wouldn’t buy anymore books for awhile. There was a trip to Lake Tahoe to celebrate Dan and my five year anniversary. There was a trip to Oregon to visit Dana while she was up there for work – which included wineries, fantastic outlet shopping, ice cream, and general craziness. There were new wine racks!! (yes, you’ll notice the plural. More than one new rack was needed to contain all the wine)

    However, each of those things deserves a post of it’s very own since those were all great things. So, this one is just going to be about the books, which really isn’t very interesting to many of you, but too darn bad, because this here is my blog.

    I found out about it on *surprise* one of the blogs I read. It’s an annual used book sale held by the San Francisco Public Libraries for four days. They rent a pavilion in Fort Mason, which is in effect an ENTIRE pier. Seriously. And it is full of used books that cost, at the very most, $5. Most of them cost $1. It’s really quite wonderful. I was so excited about it that I took the afternoon off from work on Thursday in order to go, because we were going to be gone the rest of the weekend in Lake Tahoe. So, I loaded up on recyclable shopping bags, hopped on the bus in SF and knew I had arrived at my own personal heaven when I walked in the door and someone pointed me towards the SHOPPING CARTS. Like I needed any more enablers in my life.

    Anyway, like I said, it’s huge, it’s cheap and it’s piles upon piles upon rows upon tables of books. I shopped for two hours, eventually put back at least a third of the books I grabbed and left with 16 books for $34. And now, the bookshelves can not hold any more books, so Dan has started a pile of books next to the bookshelf.

    Seriously this time. Until the books on the floor have a home on a shelf there will be no more book buying. For real.

    Pier full of books. Please notice size of van for perspective.

    Um…can I live here?

    Is wonderful.

3 Responsesso far.

  1. meghan says:

    I admire you for all the reading you get done. A few weeks ago when I was without power for five days I managed to get SO much pleasure reading done because I just couldn’t do work without a computer. Nope, I just couldn’t. It was impossible. It was great. :)

  2. lb says:

    that is INTENSE. In the best kind of way.

  3. ro! says:

    when i saw the words .used. .book. and .sale. all in one sentence i knew it was going to be bad. and by bad i mean awesome cuz i know how much you love a good book.
    i also greatly enjoy how you were prepared and brought your own shopping bags. yay for being crunchy. =]
