• It’s a very sophisticated rating system.

    How things are going…

    ~Weather. Huge thumbs up. It’s been really really really warm out here all week, to the point of people laying out. Shorts, t shirts, sandals. In almost November? Yes please.

    ~Cats. Thumbs up. They are still adorable. And they smell much better since their bath on Saturday night.

    ~Trying to brush cats’ teeth. Big thumbs down. You can probably imagine why.

    ~My friends. As always, as many thumbs up as possible. I mean, they’re always awesome – but I mean come on – a set of beautiful twins, a wedding and a pregnancy announcement all in the past week?!? How lucky am I to know these people?

    ~Evening spent cooking with my staff. Thumbs way up. We made pumpking pie, stuffing, gravy and caramel apples. I am clearly the coolest RD ever.

    ~My bookshelves. Thumbs down, maybe even way down. I went and bought books again. Am addicted! Can’t stop!

    ~Recent reads. Thumbs up. I only have 5 more to meet my goal of 50 for the year and the last two books I read are both classics I’ve been meaning to read for awhile and they were great. (The Good Earth, Pearl Buck and The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan)

    ~The upcoming week. Thumbs down for chaos level, thumbs up for opportunities! I’m going to be out of the office Monday through Wednesday at a RAD training. RAD stands for Rape Aggression Defense. It’s a program for women that is in place at many college campuses – after this three day training, I’ll be a certified instructor! However, that means that I’ll only be in the office for two days this week and my life will be crazy!!

    ~College football. Thumbs…even? VT not doing so hot, but as was expected this year. Cal is doing OK, but Penn State is doing great! Way to beat OSU!

    ~Election 2008. Thumbs down. I just want it to be over already! There is so much at stake to be nervous about. And the things that I really care about are not faring well in the polls. Boo.

    ~Family news. Thumbs down. Cancer is a bitch.

    ~Cancer prognosis. Thumbs up (as up as it can be in this situation). Seriously though, my grandmother’s doctors are optimistic and my mom says she looks great. Clearly not the best of situations, but also not the worst.

    ~Overall? Thumbs up.

2 Responsesso far.

  1. meghan says:

    Glad it all averages to a thumbs up… but I thought you used the smiley-face system?

  2. KK and Dan says:

    That system is reserved just for wine silly.
