• Good news

    Well, I went through the three day RAD Instructor Certification training and I did the simulation, which bascially entails me getting attacked by large men in padded suits in three different situations (walking by, from behind, multiple attackers) and whooped some ass. And I passed all my tests SO now I can teach other college women how to whoop some ass too, which I’m pretty psyched about.

    However, after three days of the practicing and the kicking and punching pads and people my whole body is SO. DAMN. SORE.

    I’m doing a lot of nothing today. Just recovering, stretching, napping on a heating pad.

5 Responsesso far.

  1. lb says:

    I’m glad you’re resting, and I’m super impressed that you’re so kick-ass!!! Well, really, I knew that anyway, but now you’re all certified and official, so that’s cool.

    love you!

  2. meghan says:

    You should come home for the holidays and teach us all how to whoop ass.

    [See what I did there? You have to come home to help your friends. We need you!]

  3. Anonymous says:

    You ARE AWESOME..so what if you are tired and sore. The black and blue marks will fade — butt (get it?) you will remember how to defend yourself!


  4. ro! says:

    you know what would be very helpful right now?
    a nice relaxing yoga class…

  5. Franklin says:

    so are you going to use Dan as the “large man” when you teach other women?
