• Buffet.

    James is peeing more. As in, when he goes to the bathroom, more liquid is coming out. This is exciting progress! The bad news is that he’s peeing basically anywhere he damn well pleases right now. Not sure how to discourage this while encouraging the peeing. Quandry.
    I finished a book today about schools for girls. Their history in this country, their benefits, their downfalls, etc. It makes me a bit sad that I didn’t go to an all girls school at some point. I think middle school would have been the best time, because everything sort of goes downhill around then, am I right?
    I worked a bunch on my list this weekend, but didn’t necessarily complete a lot of things. However, I did make these cupcakes. I’ve discovered that I would like lime icing on pretty much all of my desserts.
    Watched some NASCAR today. Sent me right back to some college memories. Tommy got me into NASCAR originally and while I never could (and still can’t) watch a whole race, it’s such an interesting world. I know many people disagree. I may write more about this later this week.
    The Giants won their division today. I’m finding myself strangely excited about it, even though baseball really doesn’t usually excite me. The 49ers lost today (not surprising), and I’m also a bit sad about that. This afternoon I realized that it seems I’ve adopted the San Francisco teams as my second favorites. I never felt this way about Washington/Baltimore teams, but maybe because I never felt like I had no access to Pittsburgh events in Reston. Here, it’s a really big day when the Steelers are on regular cable.
    We gave Lily a bath. She did not enjoy it.
    Went to Target today for the first time since…July maybe?  I haven’t been going since the whole kerfuffle over the summer. I had a gift card I needed to use up, and specific items we needed, so off we went. It was shocking how easy it was to only buy what we needed. I feel like I used to walk in, inhale that Target smell (you know what I’m talking about) and then…buy many many things.  I guess in these months we’ve been apart, I’ve built up some tolerance to Target. I can’t decide if I’m excited or disappointed.
    I’m thinking of renaming the blog’s URL to ‘onlykkwriteshere.blogspot.com’
    Have a lovely Monday :)

3 Responsesso far.

  1. ro! says:

    hahah yeah dan, GET ON THE BLOG BALL.

  2. Dan says:

    no renaming!

  3. meghan says:

    Seriously, Dan, get on it.
