• Am in a Funk

    …because I didn’t get enough sleep last night. Mainly because I had to wake up at 5:30 to take Dan to the airport this morning so he could take a business trip to St. Louis. That was fine, until I got back, tried to go back to sleep and my cats…pretty much refused to let that happen.

    So, today in an effort to remind myself not to be in said funk, here are five things I’m happy about/enjoying/love.

    1. The Tina Fey/Amy Poehler skit on SNL. I know it was literally almost a week ago, but I’ve been watching it once a day. These two ladies are so funny and smart. Big fan.

    2. I went to see a play at a local Berkeley theater last night with some of my staff, and the two other RDs in my unit, which was a great time. I’m lucky I get to work with awesome people.

    3. I have really non-exciting but yet very exciting plans for the weekend (Target, Costco, etc.) which kind of makes me feel like I’m in “Old School” (Maybe Bed Bath and Beyond…but I don’t know. I don’t know if we’ll have enough time!) But I’m going to just be excited about them none the less.

    4. Pandora. Gets me through the work day.

    5. My staff and residents this year. Last year by this time, I had probably already met with 30 students about policy violations. This year, I haven’t met with ANY although I am meeting with all of two next week. The community my staff has built is pretty amazing. I’m really proud of them.

    Now you go.

3 Responsesso far.

  1. meghan says:

    1. That after 5 days of darkness I finally have power back. Last Sunday brought the winds of horror from Ike… and total blackness.

    2. That my graduate school friends love me enough to feed me and let me shower when they had power restored… 3 days before me.

    3. That the college crew always comes together to make someone feel special. The love for Kelley is immense.

    4. That Notre Dame is playing today and I finally have people here in OH to watch the game with. Go Irish!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Not a bad list! I encourage you to speak with your staff and express your gratitude and pride — stroking your team is never, ever a bad idea. I am relieved to hear that your friends living in the hurricane zone are well — it’s scary when mother nature gets p’d off and you know that friends and loved ones lie in her path. Good news, thanks for sharing. I’m thankful that VA Tech won (GO HOKIES) and that I will be heading to J-burg this week to visit my family! Enjoy your week….I love you!

  3. Dad says:

    Hope your weekend was grand and that you’re off and running on another superb week in Berzerkley…
